"Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words."

A special "Thank you!"
Goes out to
John Michael Talbot
for giving us permission
to use his song on our
"Come to the Quiet"
You Tube Video
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________
Showing posts with label Healing Masses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healing Masses. Show all posts

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Parresia: A Quality Of A Monk To Perform Miracles

Brother Francis Michael Mary and Fra Chris

Athanasius comments: "For Anthony [St. Anthony of Padua] did not heal by issuing commands, but by praying and calling upon the name of Christ, so that it was evident to everyone that it was not he who did this, but the Lord manifesting his compassion to men and, through Anthony, was healing those who suffered." (Matthew 17:19 and John 16:23-24)

Vita Antonii 83-84


Thursday, October 22, 2009

Voice of the Innocents "Healing of the Heart" Conference

Saturday, October 24,
East Central High School
St. Leon, Indiana

Voice of the Innocents, Inc., invites you to a conference on

"Healing of the Heart"
* Exposing the lies that bind us
* Breaking destructive soul ties
* Finding freedom from false judgments
* Healing from rejection and abuse
* Restoring lost innocence
* Living in the Father's love and blessing

Doors open at 7:30 a.m.


Deacon Ralph Poyo

Fr. Gregory Bramlage

Condensed Schedule of the Day:

* Why Are We Afraid to Walk in Faith by Deacon Ralph Poyo
* Holy Mass
* Recovering Your Stolen Identity by Fr. Gregory Bramlage
* Restoring Lost Innocence by Deacon Ralph Poyo
* Laying on of Hands
* Eucharistic Procession
* Miracle Hour

Call (812) 623-8007 for more information.

To download a full brochure/registration form, visit



Please stop by the
Portiuncula Hermitage & Retreat Center Booth
Healing Prayer
and a delicious cup of
Mystic Monk Coffee!


Monday, September 28, 2009

St. Francis Prepared For His Death

Francis began THE CANTICLE OF BROTHER SUN in the summer of 1225, at a time indeed when he was deep in suffering, but when he had already attained the mystical heights in his experience on Mount La Verna. But the joy he had experienced in that great privilege was tempered by the thought of how many men were greatly offending their Creator by misusing the creature world God had given them. "For His praise," he said, "I want to compose a new hymn about the Lord's creatures, of which we make daily use, without which we cannot live, and with which the human race greatly offends its Creator."

The first part of the Canticle, up to the verses about pardon and peace, he composed in the garden of the Poor Clare's convent at San Damiano, where he lay sick and in intense suffering for six or seven weeks. He then composed a melody for it and frequently urged his brothers to sing it when they were out preaching. The second part, consisting of the next two verses about pardon and peace, he composed a short time later in an effort to restore peace between the quarreling parties in a dispute between the civil and religious authorities of Assisi. The final verses about Sister Death Francis added shortly before his own death, after Brother Leo and Brother Angelo had sung the Canticle at his request. Celano adds that his last words were: "Welcome, my Sister Death."

St. Francis of Assisi
Omnibus of Sources

il Cantico delle Creature
(The Canticle of the Creatures - St. Francis of Assisi)

Angelo Branduardi


A te solo Buon Signore
Si confanno gloria e onore
A Te ogni laude et benedizione
A Te solo si confanno
Che laltissimo Tu sei
E nullomo degno e
Te mentovare.
Si laudato Mio Signore
Con le Tue creature
Specialmente Frate Sole
E la sua luce.
Tu ci illumini di lui
Che e bellezza e splendore
Di Te Altissimo Signore
Porta il segno.
Si laudato Mio Signore
Per sorelle Luna e Stelle
Che Tu in cielo le hai formate
Chiare e belle.
Si laudato per Frate Vento
Aria, nuvole e maltempo
Che alle Tue creature dan sostentamento.
Si laudato Mio Signore
Per sorella nostra Acqua
Ella e casta, molto utile
E preziosa.
Si laudato per Frate Foco
Che ci illumina la notte
Ed e bello, giocondo
E robusto e forte.
Si laudato Mio Signore
Per la nostra Madre Terra
Ella e che ci sostenta
E ci governa
Si laudato Mio Signore
Vari frutti lei produce
Molti fiori coloriti
E verde lerba.
Si laudato per coloro
Che perdonano per il Tuo amore
Sopportando infermite
E tribolazione
E beati sian coloro
Che cammineranno in pace
Che da Te Buon Signore
Avran corona.
Si laudato Mio Signore
Per la Morte Corporale
Che da lei nesun che vive
Pue scappare
E beati saran quelli
nella Tua volonte
che Sorella Morte
non gli fare male


Come Celebrate The Transitus of St. Francis of Assisi

The Richmond Franciscan Community
Invites Everyone To Join Us !!!


October 3rd

St. Mary's
701 North “A” Street
Richmond, IN

From 5:30-6:00 P.M.

Immediately following the Celebration of St. Francis's life, there will be a Pitch-In dinner in the basement of Seton East. Everyone is invited to bring their favorite covered dish.


When The Time Of Death Was At Hand

When therefore St. Francis had rested for a few days in a place he greatly longed to be in and realized the time of death was at hand, he called to him two brothers and spiritual sons and commanded them to sing in a loud voice with joy of spirit the Praises of the Lord over his approaching death, or rather, over the life that was so near.

Saint Francis of Assisi

Celano, First Life


Francis Went Home To The Portiuncula To Die

Francis asked to be brought to St. Mary of the Portiuncula, so that he might yield up his spirit where he had first received the spirit of grace.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life
Chapter XIV


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley Comments on New Franciscan Constitution

"The present constitutions emerged from a long process and the hard work of commissions and General Chapters. We also had the advantage of the newly composed Constitutions of the OFMs and the scholarly work of the legendary Father Cajetan Esser, O.F.M. Each Chapter of the present Capuchin Constitutions adopted a format which takes the Revelation of the Church and then Francis’ genius and then our fraternity and then develops the topic of the Chapter. It is a wonderfully constructed ecclesial vision of religious life and Franciscan spirituality. It locates us in the context of the Church and not as a sideshow of charismatic wonder.

"Capitular fathers were grateful to the fine work of the Italian Friar Guiseppe Santorelli from the Province of Ancora who helped incorporate more of the original Capuchin constitutions into the new Constitutions. All in all the Chapters that worked on the Constitutions did a remarkable job. I was present for some of those Chapters as a lowly translator and witnessed firsthand the hard work of the Capitulars.

"The new Constitutions despite its many strengths does have some flaws in my opinion. It is my hope that the call to re-look at the Constitutions might address some of these concerns:

• The new Constitutions dropped too much of our life of penance and the contemplative side of our life.
• The new Constitutions fail to give a clear formula for living a life of poverty “with explanations.”
• The new Constitutions favor generalities to honor an ill-conceived notion of pluriformity that has robbed the Constitutions of its fire.
• The new Constitutions needed to say more about the friars’ love for the Church and the fidelity to her moral and dogmatic teaching. Francis was so devoted to the Church, despite all the defects and shortcomings of the clergy and leadership.
•Our Constitutions should not be a bland description of how we are living our vocation in the 3rd millennium, but rather a description of how we should be living our life in a concrete program of radical poverty, radical prayer, radical love. Constitutions should not be easily tempered with. Performance and stability are important to inspire people with a sense of awe and seriousness. In today’s world young people see how everything is expendable, “throw-away.” Technology has created a world where everything is experimental or obsolete.

"The Constitutions are our identity as Capuchins and need to be firmly grounded in our history. We do not need a document that is modern and trendy that will soon seem dated and passe.


"Capuchin Identity is safeguarded by the Constitutions only in as much as it inspires us to live the Rule and Testament in a radical way. Generalities will never do. The Gospel Life of the Capuchin Brotherhood is about radical love. It is a life that begins with contemplative prayer. This allows one to imitate the self-emptying of Christ’s kenosis and leads to a radical witness that invites people to renounce the extreme individualism and materialism of our age in order to follow Christ poor and crucified.

"Some people are advocating removing some of the concrete directives on prayer that are in the Constitutions and place them in the Ordinances. This would be a fatal mistake. The ordinances are unknown and irrelevant to most of the friars. The Rule and Constitutions will always be the documents that form us and teach us our identity. The Constitutions cannot be a weak exhortation to live a vague ideal of the most common denominator. Rather, the Constitutions should be a challenging document that incorporates concrete directives about the life of prayer, poverty, and austerity. We need more boldness in our Constitutions if we are going to inspire young men to join our ranks.

"If we embrace or institutionalize a comfortable, bourgeois life style, the Order will die out, no matter how much lip service we give to a liberal social agenda. Our way of life lived in all its radical renunciation is capable of producing men whose witness of prayer, poverty and love will help transform society by calling people back to God, calling them to come home to the Church, by helping people to have a sense of personal vocation and to be part of a communal mission.

"It is my conviction that the contemplative aspects of our life should be addressed first of all. The Capuchin charism begins with the eremitical emphasis of the first friars as reflected in the document of Albacena, the subsequent Constitutions elaborate more on ministry and mission. The point of departure however is the contemplative basis of our vocation. When the life of prayer is carefully delineated, then the other aspects of our life take shape. The centrality of the Eucharist and mental prayer needs to be very clear. Daily celebration of a communal Eucharist, two periods of meditation, and the communal praying of the entire liturgy of the hours needs to be enshrined in the Constitutions as a bare minimum. To leave that up to local communities to legislate is too risky. By leaving things out of the Constitutions we are sending a signal that they are not really important and we encourage a take it or leave it attitude.

"The subjective mood, weak exhortations and mild recommendations do not communicate the sense of urgency that Francis wants to communicate in the Rule. It is a matter of life and death. St. Paul says no one will follow an uncertain trumpet blast. Our legislation should not be an exercise in subtleties. The directives about prayer and poverty need to be concrete, airtight and unyielding."

Cardinal Sean O'Malley



La Morte di Francisco (Transitus)


Carried Half Dead Through Towns And Villages

First Lesson: Francis now hung body and soul upon the Cross with Christ; the fervor of his seraphic love raised him up to God and he was consumed with zeal for souls, so that he shared his Lord's thirst for their salvation. He could no longer walk because of the nails protruding from his feet, and so had himself carried, half-dead as he was, about the towns and villages.

Saint Francis of Assisi

Bonaventure, Minor Life



Saturday, September 26, 2009

Voice of the Innocents Fall Conference "HEALING OF THE HEART"

Saturday, October 24, 2009

East Central High School

St. Leon, Indiana

Voice of the Innocents, Inc., invites you to a conference on

"Healing of the Heart"

* Exposing the lies that bind us
* Breaking destructive soul ties
* Finding freedom from false judgments
* Healing from rejection and abuse
* Restoring lost innocence
* Living in the Father's love and blessing

Doors open at 7:30 a.m.


Deacon Ralph Poyo

Fr. Gregory Bramlage

Dr. Susan Stanford-Rue

(Author of: "Will I Cry Tomorrow? Healing Post-Abortion Trauma)

Condensed Schedule of the Day:
* Why Are We Afraid to Walk in Faith by Deacon Ralph Poyo
* Holy Mass
* Recovering Your Stolen Identity by Fr. Gregory Bramlage
* Restoring Lost Innocence by Deacon Ralph Poyo
* Laying on of Hands
* Eucharistic Procession
* Miracle Hour

Call (812) 623-8007 for more information.To download a full brochure/registration form, visitwww.HealingthroughthePowerofJesusChrist.org

Please drop by the

Portiuncula Hermitage Table


Prayers for God's Healing Touch

and for a cup of our

Mystic Monk Coffee!!!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Mystic Monk Coffee: A Perfect Holiday Gift!

Have it shipped anywhere in the world!

Order Mystic Monk Coffee Through The Portiuncula And Donate To Birthright (A Loving Alternative To Abortion)

The Carmelite Monks of Wyoming

Mystic Monk Coffee is roasted by the Carmelite Monks, a Roman Catholic monastery in the silence and solitude of the Rocky Mountains of northern Wyoming. The monks live a hidden life of prayer and contemplation in the pursuit of God. The monastery is inundated with young men who seek to leave everything to pray for the world, in a tradition at least a thousand years old. It is the monks’ great joy and privilege to share the fruit of their life with you in every cup of Mystic Monk Coffee.

The Monk Master Roaster
Br. Java is the master roaster who meticulously roasts beans in small batches. His philosophy is that each roast must be not only the labor of his hands, but a master roast of the highest quality. Br. Java is passionate about obtaining the perfect roasts for you. He carefully roasts only the finest gourmet beans under conditions that will make each roast consistent and smooth with a taste that will make your taste buds tingle. With experience and perfection, Mystic Monk Coffee is a coffee to savor and enjoy – with or without cream.

The Legend of the First Mystic Monk
Coffee is a product perfected and loved by monks from its beginning. When a monk of old heard the anguished tale of a shepherd who had sleepless goats, he himself discovered growing on shrubs the berries, which had such a wonderful affect. Delighted at his find, the ingenious monk boiled the beans in water and drank the resulting coffee. He found in his discovery a hot drink that could keep his eyes awake even amidst the midnight vigils and unceasing prayers of the monastic life.

The secret of coffee continues to keep monks ever alert and vigilant for their prayers, but now Mystic Monk Coffee shares the hidden, master roasts of monks with all who seek a delightful cup of coffee.

Monks are passionate Perfectionists
The monastic life is one of ordered perfection, which you will taste in every bag of Mystic Monk Coffee. Passionate about perfection, no challenge is too great for Br. Java and the monks, if it will result in a Mystic Monk brew suited for the most discriminating coffee drinker. The Carmelite monks have mastered the ancient art of roasting coffee, laboring with steadfast determination to make each cup of coffee simply superb. Taste the monastic perfection in each brew, which makes all the difference.

Please remember that when you buy Mystic Monk Coffee through the Portiuncula Hermitage, ten percent of all their commission sales is donated to Birthright (a loving alternative to abortion.)

Please remember to keep our Pre-born in your daily prayers!

To order direct, simply click on the

Mystic Monk Coffee Icon

on the Left Side of this page.

Have it shipped anywhere in the world!


Thursday, September 17, 2009

Georgiana Gibson

St. Francis exhorted death itself, terrible and hateful to all, to give praise, and going joyfully to meet it, he invited it to make its lodging with him. "Welcome," he said, "my sister death."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life


When God Reveals His Secrets

"Brother, remember that when God reveals his secrets to you, it is not for yourself alone; they are intended for others too. If you hide something which is intended to do good to many others, you have every reason to fear that you will be condemned for burying the talenty given to you."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Crying And Moaning Over The Passion Of My Lord!

One day, just a few years after his conversion, he was foll0wing the road that passes near St. Mary of the Portiuncula and, as he was walking by himself, he was lamenting and weeping out loud. A spiritual man, whom we know well and who reported it to us, met him at this time. This han had been very kind to the saint and had consoled him before he even had one brother and continued to do so. He said to him: "What is the matter, brother?" He thought that he was suffering from some infirmity. Blessed Francis answered: "I ought to travel through the whole world, crying and moaning without any false shame over the passion of my Lord!" The man began to cry with him and wept bitterly.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 37


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Voice of the Innocents Fall Conference "HEALING OF THE HEART"

East Central High School

St. Leon, Indiana

Voice of the Innocents, Inc., invites you to a conference on

"Healing of the Heart"

* Exposing the lies that bind us
* Breaking destructive soul ties
* Finding freedom from false judgments
* Healing from rejection and abuse
* Restoring lost innocence
* Living in the Father's love and blessing

Doors open at 7:30 a.m.

Speakers: Deacon Ralph Poyo

Fr. Gregory Bramlage

Condensed Schedule of the Day:
* Why Are We Afraid to Walk in Faith by Deacon Ralph Poyo
* Holy Mass
* Recovering Your Stolen Identity by Fr. Gregory Bramlage
* Restoring Lost Innocence by Deacon Ralph Poyo
* Laying on of Hands
* Eucharistic Procession
* Miracle Hour

Call (812) 623-8007 for more information.To download a full brochure/registration form, visitwww.HealingthroughthePowerofJesusChrist.org

Drop by the

Portiuncula Table

for a cup of

Mystic Monk Coffee!!!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Spiritual Gain

Saint Francis said to the Friars, "For if I was happy when they praised and honoured me in their devotion - which may well be a danger to my soul - I ought to rejoice and be far happier at the benefit and health brought to my soul when they abuse me, for this is a pure spiritual gain."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Mirror of Perfection - 65


Consider It An Honor To Beg

Perugia, Italy

Francis said, "In truth I say to you, many nobles and scholars of this world will enter our Order and will consider themselves highly honored to beg for alms."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 3


Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Being Ashamed To Appear In Public

Statue of St. Francis just outside of Assisi at Monte Subasio

Blessed Francis used to say, 'The time is coming when this Order, so dear to God, will be brought into such disrepute by the bad example of evil friars that its members will be ashamed to appear in public. But those who come to receive the habit of the Order in those days will be guided solely by the workings of the Holy Spirit: flesh and blood will not contaminate them, and they will be truly blessed by God.'

Saint Francis of Assisi

Mirror of Perfection - 70


Resistance To The Rule

Perugia, Italy

Later on, when Francis explained the Rule and regulations to the brothers, they found them difficult and unbearable; for, they did not know what was going to take place in the Order after Francis' death. He did not wish to have a conflict with the brothers, so greatly did he fear scandal for himself and for the others; and hence he complied with their request, against his own will. he later apologized for it before the Lord.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 68


Thursday, September 03, 2009

We Take Our Cell With Us

Portiuncula Hermitage Jerusalem, Ohio

Wherever we are or wherever we are going, we have our cell with us. For Brother Body is the cell, and the soul is the hermit who dwells in it, meditating there and praying to God. Therefore, if the soul does not preserve quiet and solitude in its own cell, of what profit is a cell made by hands?

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 80