"Preach the Gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words."

A special "Thank you!"
Goes out to
John Michael Talbot
for giving us permission
to use his song on our
"Come to the Quiet"
You Tube Video
_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Preaching Devoutly

Preaching very devoutly, St. Francis consoled and encouraged all the friars to reverence and obedience to Holy Mother Church and to sweet brotherly love, to pray for all the people of God, to have patience in the adversities of the world and temperance in prosperity, to maintain an angelic purity and chastity, to remain in peace and harmony with God and with men and with their own conscience, to humility and meekness toward all, to the contempt of the world and a love and fervent practice of holy poverty, to care and attention to holy prayer and the praise of God, to place all their hope and anxiety for soul and body in the Good Shepherd who nourishes our bodies and souls: Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Little Flowers of St. Francis - 18


"Lesser" Brothers

Saint Francis said: "The Lord called us to reawaken the faith and to assist the prelates and clerics of our holy Mother the church. Likewise, we are bound, to the extent possible, to love the prelates and clerics always, to honor and venerate them. The brothers, as a matter of fact, are called 'lesser' because they must remain very humble with regard to all men of this world, humble in all their behavior and by their example, as well as by their name"...

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 15


Monday, November 09, 2009

Alone With God And At Peace

Photo taken at the Portiuncula Retreat Center in Jerusalem, Ohio

When he was alone and at peace, Francis would make the groves re-echo with his sighs and bedew the ground with his tears, as he beat his breast and conversed intimately with his Lord in hidden secrecy. Here he defended himself before his Judge; here he spoke with his Lover. Here, too, the friars were watching occassionally heard him cry aloud, imploring God's mercy for sinners, and weeping for the passion of Christ, as if he saw it before his eyes.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life


Taken Up With God In A Place Of Solitude And Silence

Photo taken at the Portiuncula Retreat Center in Jerusalem, Ohio

The blessed and venerable Francis wanted only to be taken up with God and to purify his spirit of the dust of the world which eventually clings to us in our daily association with others. So he periodically withdrew to a place of solitude and silence...He would take with him a very few companions from among those more intimately associated with his inner life, so that they might keep people from visiting or disturbing him, and might lovingly and faithfully keep guard over his quiet.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, First Life - 91


Sunday, November 08, 2009

"Come To The Quiet" Become A Monastic Without Having To Leave Your Day Job!

Dr. Tom Ringenberg during personal prayer time at the
Portiuncula Hermitage in Jerusalem, Ohio

Dear Christian Brothers and Sisters,

Having just experienced one of the most peaceful and fulfilling weekends of my Christian life, I feel led to write you and encourage you to take a fresh breath of the clean air at the Portiuncula Retreat in Jerusalem Ohio. Surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation in the hills of Appalachia, I was refreshed in God’s peace.

The initial reaction to a weekend of silence, fasting and prayer was mixed as I revel in the world’s flash of media and the madness of twenty-four hour news. I feared boredom and the lack of external stimulus. But God is good, and He provided plenty for me. Walks in the woods and fields, silent prayer and meditation, communal prayer with my Brothers in Christ, prayers of intercession, and theological discussion on the travel to and from Jerusalem, stimulated my spirit far more than my flesh has ever been stimulated.

It is my hope that the Portiuncula will become a haven for those who need a fresh touch of God. I will return soon to restore my soul with peace.

Please prayerfully consider joining me in supporting the Portiuncula Retreat Center by simply contributing $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 or more a month.

Simply Click On The
ParishPay Icon
On the Left Side of this screen,

Or by making your checks payable to:

"Portiuncula Hermitage"
% 508 south 16th Street
Richmond, IN 47374.

Thank you and God bless!

Yours In Christ,

Dr. Tom Ringenberg
Centerville, IN


Ignore Worldly Events

None of the friars assembled at the chapter ever dared to recount any worldly events: they spoke together of the lives of the holy fathers of old, and how they might best live in God's grace. If by chance anyone among those present was troubled or tempted, the very sight of blessed Francis and his fervent and gentle exhortations were sufficient to drive away all temptation and trouble.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of the Three Companions - 59


Build Humble Houses

Saint Francis told the friars to build their houses small and their cells of wood, not of stone, and he wanted them built in a humble style. He abhorred pretentious buildings, and disliked superfluous or elaborate appointments. He wished nothing about their tables or appointments to appear worldly or to remind them of the world, so that everything should proclaim their poverty and remind them that they were pilgrims and exiles.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Mirror of Perfection - 6


Saturday, November 07, 2009

Amazing Grace Bookstore and Gifts - Selling Mystic Monk Coffee

Amazing Grace Bookstore and Gifts
200 South 14th Street

New Castle, Indiana

(765) 529-8387

is now offering "Mystic Monk Coffee" through the Portiuncula Hermitage and Retreat Center in their Christian Bookstore.

Please remember that when you order Mystic Monk Coffee Through The Portiuncula: the Little Portion, ten percent of our commissions are donated to Birthright (a loving alternative to abortion!)


Mystic Monk Coffee is pleased to offer the socially conscious consumer a coffee that respects the value of every human life and the right and dignity of every person, especially the unborn. Fair Trade Organic is a decision to act with social justice.

The monastic life is one of ordered perfection, which you will taste in every bag of Mystic Monk Coffee. Passionate about perfection, no challenge is too great for Br. Java and the monks, if it will result in a Mystic Monk brew suited for the most discriminating coffee drinker. The Carmelite monks have mastered the ancient art of roasting coffee, laboring with steadfast determination to make each cup of coffee simply superb. Taste the monastic perfection in each brew, which makes all the difference.

The Portiuncula Hermitage is committed to tithing all Mystic Monk Coffee Sales to Birthright!

Please remember to keep our pre-born in your daily prayers!

To Order Direct, simply click on the Mystic Monk Coffee Icon on the left side of this page:


Rapt In God

The church of San Damiano

Brother Bernard of Quintavalle, after he had taken the habit of St. Francis, was very rapt in God by the contemplation of heavenly things.

Thus one time it happened that while he was attending Mass in a church and his whole mind was on God, he became so absorbed and rapt in contemplation that during the Elevation of the Body of Christ he was not at all aware of it and did not kneel down when the others knelt, and he did not draw back his cowl as did the others who were there, but he stayed motionless, without blinking his eyes, gazing straight ahead, from morning until none.

But after none he came back to himself and went through the Place shouting in a voice filled with wonder: "Oh, Brothers! Oh, Brothers! Oh, Brothers! There is no man in all this country, no matter how great and noble he is, who, if he were promised a very beautiful palace full of gold, would not willingly carry a sack full of the most filthy manure in order to obtain heaven, that very noble treasure!"

Saint Francis of Assisi
Little Flowers of St. Francis - 28


Go And Repair My House As You Can See Is Falling Into Ruin

While Francis was walking near the church of San Damiano, an inner voice bade him go in and pray. He obeyed, and kneeling before an image of the crucified Savior, he began to pry most devoutly. A tender, compassionate voice then spoke to him: "Francis, do you not see that my house is falling into ruin? Go, and repair it for me."

From that hour his heart was stricken and wounded with melting love and compassion for the passion of Christ; and for the rest of his life he carried in it the wounds of the Lord Jesus.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of the Three Companions


Friday, November 06, 2009

Tony Melendez - Never Be The Same

Please Help Build The Portiuncula Chapel

Today, I want to ask you to become a partner in the Portiuncula's mission to build the Portiuncula Chapel by simply donating $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 a month.



Or make checks payable to the

%508 South 16th Street
Richmond, IN 47374

Please, become a part of the Portiuncula Hermitage's work today. Don't let this chance to turn the culture around pass you by.

Pax Et Bonum!

Fra Chris


A Small Piece Of Bread

O wonderful ascent, O stupendous descent! O sublime humility! O humble sublimity, that the Lord of the Universe, God and Son of God, should so humbly hide himself, for our salvation, in what seems to be only a small piece of bread! Look, then, upon the humility of God! And pour out your hearts before him. Humble yourselves that he might exhalt you. Hold back nothing of yourselves, that he may receive your all who gave his all to you.

St. Francis
Letter to the Whole Order


Contemplation Is Being United To God

Eight days after the first two companions, Brother Bernard and Brother Peter, were received into the Order, Brother Giles was received by Francis at the Portiuncula. He was a fellow Assisian, a man full of faith and devotion to whom the Lord had given a singular grace. On his knees, and with great devotion and reverence, he begged Francis to receive him into their family. And the saint, pleased with what he saw and the words he heard, received him gladly. Then these first four brothers experienced an extraordinary spiritual joy.

Years later St. Francis said of Brother Giles that he more than any other person had arrived at the perfection of contemplative prayer. And Brother Giles himself used to say, "The contamplative life is to leave behind all earthly things for the love of God, to seek only the things of heaven, to pray without tiring, to read often and with concentration, to praise God continually with hymns and canticles. To contemplate is to be separated from all and to be united to God alone."

Saint Francis of Assisi
The Mirror of Perfection - 85


Thursday, November 05, 2009

Reverence And Honour One Another Without Murmuring

Everyone who comes to the friars, friend or foe, rogue or robber, must be made welcome.

And all friars, no matter where they are or in whatever situation they find themselves, should, like spiritually minded men, diligently show reverence and honour to one another without murmuring (1 Peter 4.9).

Saint Francis of Assisi
Chapter 7


When A Frair Falls Into Sin

If a friar is tempted and falls into mortal sin, he is bound by obedience to have recourse to his guardian. The other friars who know that he has sinned should not embarrass him by speaking about it. They should have the greatest sympathy for him and keep their brother's fall a secret...A friar who falls into venial sin should confess to a confrere who is a priest; if there is no priest present, he should confess to a fellow friar, until he meets a priest who can absolve him sacramentally, as has been said.

Saint Francis of Assisi


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Be Obedient To The Local Bishop

The friars are forbidden to preach in any diocese, if the bishop objects to it. No friar should dare to preach to the people unless he has been examined and approved by the Minister General and has received from him the commission to preach.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Chapter 9



One Christmas-day Brother Juniper was in deep meditation before the altar at Scesi, the which altar was right fairly and richly adorned; so, at the desire of the sacristan, Brother Juniper remained to keep guard over it while he went to his dinner. And as he was absorbed in devout meditations, a poor woman came asking an alms of him for the love of God. To whom Brother Juniper made answer: “Wait a while, and I will see if I can find anything for thee on this grand altar.” Now there was upon the altar an exceedingly rich and costly frontal of cloth of gold, with silver bells of great value. “These bells,” said Brother Juniper, “are a superfluity”; so he took a knife and cut them off the frontal, and gave them to the poor woman out of compassion. The sacristan, after he had eaten three or four mouthfuls, bethought him of the ways of Brother Juniper, whom he had left in charge; and began exceedingly to doubt whether, in his charitable zeal, he might not do some damage to the costly altar. As soon as the suspicion entered his head, he rose from the table, and went back to the church, to see if any of the ornaments of the altar had been removed or taken away; and when he saw that the frontal had been cut, and the little bells carried off, he was troubled and scandalised beyond measure. Brother Juniper, seeing that he was very angry, said to him: “Be not disturbed about those little bells, for I have given them to a poor woman who had great need of them, and here they were good for nothing but to make a pompous display of worldly vanity.” When the sacristan had heard this, he went with all speed to seek the woman in the church, and throughout the city; but he could neither find her nor meet with anyone who had seen her. So he returned, and in great wrath took the frontal, and carried it to the general, who was at Assisi, saying: “Father general, I demand justice on Brother Juniper, who has spoilt this hanging for me, the very best I had in the sacristy. See how he has destroyed it by cutting away all the silver bells, which he says he has given to a poor woman!” And the general answered him: “It is not Brother Juniper who has done this, but thine own folly; for thou oughtest by this time to have known his ways: and I tell thee, I marvel only that he did not give away the whole frontal. Nevertheless, I will give him a sound correction for this fault.” And having called the brethren together in chapter, he sent for Brother Juniper, and, in the presence of the whole community, reproved him most severely concerning the said bells; and, waxing wrathful as he spoke, he raised his voice till it became hoarse. Brother Juniper cared little or nothing for these words, for he delighted in reproaches, and rejoiced when he received a good humiliation; but his one thought in return was to find a remedy for the general’s hoarseness. So when he had received his reproof, he went straight to the town for flour and butter, to make a good hasty-pudding, with which he returned when the night was far spent; then lighting a candle, he went with his hasty-pudding to the door of the general’s cell and knocked. The general came to open it, and seeing him with a lighted candle and a pipkin in his hand, asked: “Who is there?” Brother Juniper answered him: “Father, when you reproved me to-day for my faults, I perceived that your voice grew hoarse, and I thought it was from over-fatigue. I considered therefore what would be the best remedy, and have had this hasty-pudding made for you; therefore I pray you eat of it, for I tell you that it will ease your throat and your chest.” “What an hour of the night is this.” said the general, “to come and disturb other people!” And Brother Juniper made answer: “See, it has been made for you; I pray you eat of it without more ado, for it will do you good.” But the general being angry at the lateness of the hour, and at Brother Juniper’s persistence, answered him roughly, bidding him go his way, for at such an hour he would not eat. Then Brother Juniper, seeing that neither persuasions nor prayers were of any avail, said: “Father, since you will not eat the pudding which was made for you, at least do this for me: hold the candle for me, and I will eat it.” Then the general, being a devout and kindly man, seeing the piety and simplicity of Brother Juniper, and how he had done all this out of devotion, answered: “Well, since thou will have it so, thou and I will eat together.” And so the two of them ate this hasty-pudding together, out of an importunate charity, and were refreshed by their devotion more than by the food.

The Little Flowers of St. Francis

Chapter V


Mystic Monk Coffee: Order In Time For Christmas!

The Mystic Monks have been busy preparing some surprises for this Christmas Season!

The most important of these is the

Christmas Blend 2009

It is the most sophisticated blend available with a special blend of eight beans from all over the world. It is best described as a Medium Dark Blend with Citrus Flavors at first taste then a very smooth finish with pleasant pungentry. But hurry, because it is a Limited Edition Coffee Only!
To Order, simply click on the
Mystic Monk Icon
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And what would a Mystic Monk Christmas be without a little

Jingle Bell Java?

Our famous Jingle Bell Java will only be available until the end of the Christmas Season, so be sure to stock up now!

We also have a beautiful new single handled Christmas Mug with a logo,
and an insulated Mystic Monk Travel Mug - Perfect for enjoying our
coffee while on the go!

To Order, simply click on the
Mystic Monk Icon
on the Left Side of this screen!

Thank you for your support of the
Portiuncula Hermitage,
Mystic Monk Coffee®
and Birthright

May God Bless you,

Br. Michael Mary

Please remember that the Portiuncula Franciscan Hermitage and Retreat Center donates ten percent of their Mysitc Monk Coffee Sales to Birthright (a loving alternative to abortion)!!!

To order, simply click on the
Mystic Monk Icon
on the Left Side of this screen!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Prayer by Father Michael Scanlan, TOR

Father Michael Scanlan, TOR,
Franciscan University of Steubenville

Prayer by Father Michael Scanlan, TOR

Grant me, O Lord, the grace to unite my sufferings with yours so that I may suffer as your true follower. I do not ask to be freed from afflictions since these are the reward of the saints; but I beg of you to make me find in calmness and resignation the true use of trials.

My God, I desire, I accept, I abandon myself lovingly to your holy will!


Not So Much A Man Who Prayed, As A Man Who Became A Living Prayer

Often, without moving his lips, St. Francis would meditate for a long time, and, concentrating, centering his external powers, he would rise in spirit to heaven. Thus, he directed his whole mind and affections to the one thing he was asking of God. He was not so much a man who prayed, as a man who had become a living prayer.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life


The Fragrant Words of Christ

Receive with divine love the fragrant words of our Lord Jesus Christ. And those of you who do not know how to read should have them read to you often, and commit them to memory, and live them unto holiness to the end, for they are spirit and life.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Letter to All the Faithful - First Version


Monday, November 02, 2009

Yet You, Wretched Soul...

Why do you neglect to blame yourself and begin accusing your brother for revealing to you your illness both in deed and in truth? Learn the Commandments of Christ: 'When He was abused, He did not return abuse; when He suffered, He did not threaten' (1 Peter 2.23). Listen to Him, when He says and when He shows us in reality: 'I gave my back to those who struck me, and my cheeks to those who beat me. I did not hide my face from insult and spitting' (Isaiah 50.6). Yet you, wretched soul, just because of a little insult and dishonor, sit there and weave thousands of thoughts, ultimately conspiring against your own soul in the manner of the demons. After all, what more can a demon do to such a soul, that it has not already done to itself? We see the cross of Christ, we read His passion each day, what He suffered for us. Yet we cannot endure the slightest insult. We have indeed deviated from the straight way.'

The Way of the Saints
Abba Zosimas
The Desert Father


St. Mary of the Portiuncula is the Mirror of the Order

Saint Francis was very happy that this place had been given to the brothers because the church bore the name of the Mother of Christ, because it was very poor, and also because of its name of Portiuncula. The fact that it was called the church of the Portiuncula was indeed a presage that it would become the mother and head of the Order of the poor lesser brothers. The church had been given the name Portiuncula because the aforesaid place where the church had been built had already been called Portiuncula for a very long time.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Legend of Perugia - 8


Too Much Confidence

St. Francis would say, "Too much confidence makes one guard too little against the enemy. If the devil can get but one hair from a man, he will soon make it grow into a braid. Even if after many years he still has not made him fall whom he has tempted, he is not put out over the delay, as long as he catches him in the end. For this is his business, and he is busy about nothing else by day or by night."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life


Sunday, November 01, 2009

Welcome To The Portiuncula Healing Ministry

"Only say the word Lord, and I shall be healed"

We are a

Franciscan Prayer Ministry

located in Jerusalem, Ohio.

Through prayer and Adoration before our Eucharistic Lord, we seek His awesome power, grace, and mercy, to bring His divine healing and peace into your life.

To receive prayer simply e-mail your Prayer Requests to:


We encourage you to participate in our

Healing Services



Thank you for visiting.

Pax Et Bonum!


Who Would Not Be Afraid To Look Upon The Bride Of Christ?

Franciscan Sisters, TOR of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother London, Ohio

Once St. Francis was giving a mother and her virgin daughter the comfort of the word of God. All the while he spoke, he never looked at them, and so when they left, his companion said to him, "Father, that holy woman and her virgin came to you with such devotion; why didn't you look at them?" But the holy father answered, "Who would not be afraid to look upon the bride of Christ? A whole sermon was preached with my eyes and face when they looked at me, but not I at them."

Saint Francis of Assisi
Celano, Second Life


Rejoice And Be Glad

St. Clare's Tunic and Mantle

Since the great and good Lord, on entering the Virgin's womb, chose to look despised, needy, and poor in this world, so that people of dire poverty and deprivation and in absolute need of heavenly nourishment might become rich in Him by possessing the kingdom of heaven, then you who have chosen poverty should rejoice and be glad!

First Letter of St. Clare to Blessed Agnes of Prague - 19


Give The Poor Man Your Cloak

Rivo Torto Sanctuario

At the beginning of the Order, when he was living at Rivo Torto with only two friars, a man named Giles, who became the third friar, came to him from the world in order to share his way of life. And when he had remained there for some days, still wearing his secular clothes, a poor man came to the place asking alms of blessed Francis. Turning to Giles, blessed Francis said to him, 'Give this poor man your cloak.' At once Giles gladly removed it from his back and gave it to the poor man. Then it became clear to him that God had imparted a new grace to his heart, since he had given his cloak to the poor man with great cheerfulness.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Mirror of Perfection - 36


Living For The Benefit Of Mankind And Not Self

Spoleto, Italy

Eventually, St. Francis and his first followers arrived at the valley of Spoleto, still full of good dispositions, and there they fell to debating whether they should live among the people or seek refuge in solitude. Francis, who was a true servant of Christ, refused to trust in his own opinion or in the suggestions of his companions; instead, he sought to discover God's will by persevering prayer. Then, enlightened by a revelation from heaven, he realized that he was sent by God to win for Christ the souls which the Devil was trying to snatch away. And so he chose to live for the benefit of his fellow men, rather than for himself alone, after the example of Him who was so good as to die for all men.

Saint Francis of Assisi
Bonaventure, Major Life